it grows well in our gardens and we are going to cook it with Denis Tabouillot chef in Lunéville

Denis gave us a recipe for rhubarb soup with zucchini and also gazpacho. He also makes a very good risotto.

Michèle, from Anthelupt, gave us a recipe for rhubarb marmalade, while Claude, from Essey lès Nancy, told us about his jelly…

Our culinary expert

Maxime, spotted in the M6 ​​show “The best pastry chef” season 9 is our regular guest. He gave us HIS recipe for rhubarb and strawberry pie.

One day a trade

Today, head to “the vegetable garage” which brings together producers from Lorraine in Nancy on the side of the avenue de Boufflers. Géraldine told us about the first strawberries from Lorraine which come from Meuse and which are sold for 12.90 euros per kg.

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