“It feels good to hear that enthusiasm,” responds the People’s Primary.

For Samuel Grzybowski, spokesperson for the Popular Primary, Christiane Taubira’s announcement gives hope for a rally of the left.

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“We need people who take their responsibilities in the service of the rally (…) It feels good to hear this enthusiasm”, reacts Samuel Grzybowski, the spokesperson for the Popular Primary, Friday, December 17 on franceinfo, after the announcement of Christiane Taubira. The former Minister of Justice “considering” a presidential candidacy. The Popular Primary initiative launched by left-wing activists with a view to “to designate the personality most able to carry ecological, democratic and social values ​​and to unite around him”, claims to date nearly 300,000 registrations for an online ballot scheduled for January 27-30.

franceinfo: How do you receive this announcement?

Samuel Grzybowski: We must find hope and enthusiasm, we need people who take their responsibilities in the service of the gathering. Because today there is only the gathering that can give new hope. To win this presidential election, the polls say so and therefore I do not understand that one can say: “Yes, let’s go to the presidential election, but behind me.” What I welcome in Christiane Taubira’s approach as a citizen movement is to say: “I will not add an application to the applications”, which means that she will a priori seek a tie-breaking process, which ‘she takes her responsibilities and yes it feels good to hear that enthusiasm.

Does this translate into participation in People’s Primary?

Honestly, I cannot assure you today. Already because she has neither confirmed nor denied it to us. The doors are wide open. What I hear, but it’s a simple position, is that she seeks to bring together, but all means are possible for that. She can envisage an agreement with different political forces, a conclave, recognize the vote of the Popular Primary which will take place whatever happens at the end of January to which she will be subjected like the others if she declares herself a candidate for true before January 15th. Basically, she gets into ballot. And we would like all the candidates in the race to say the same.

We won’t have to wait too long, the presidential election is in April …

There is a very clear timetable. In any case, we, as a citizen movement, have tried to aggregate this anger which turns towards hope and a lot of enthusiasm. These 300,000 citizens cannot choose between enemy brothers and sisters. They cannot choose between the socialist, environmentalist or rebellious tradition because they are too close for the voters, and one has the impression that the apparatuses have difficulty hearing it and that they await the result of this poll which will take place at the end of January and which will decide between the candidates engaged on the left in the presidential election.

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