“It farted a bit …”: A clash breaks out in Koh-Lanta 2022, revelations! (EXCLUDED)

In Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem, the adventurers are filmed all day. Only the strongest images and those deemed necessary for understanding the progress of the game are broadcast. This is how viewers will never see certain footage. Like this clash which broke out on the camp of the former yellows. It was Colin, during a live on Instagram on Tuesday April 12, 2022, after the elimination of Alexandra, who made the first revelations. Since then, he has explained himself exclusively for Purepeople.comjust like Setha, embroiled in the argument.

She invents stories about the camp to create useless confusion“, had declared the young sportsman about Setha. A story remained off but on which the main interested party agreed to explain herself.In fact, he talks about when I wanted to put a damper on the relationship between Olga and Alexandra. I wanted to divide the ex-blues strategically, not to wage warshe recalls. It was when Olga had lost her shoes. Alexandra had made a remark and I accentuated it, exaggerated it to make it seem that the remark was mean. In the end, they talked about it among themselves and two days later they came to see me and it kinda broke.

A version confirmed by Colin, present during the various stages of the dispute. “This is the story of shoes. Setha goes to tell Olga that Alexandra made fun of her, that she said it was ridiculous to cry about it. In fact, it created a mess. Besides, they are my two close friends in the game. Alexandra says it’s not true, Olga wonders why Setha would have lied… They don’t understand how Setha could invent such a thing“, then declares Colin, ambassador eliminated at the first council of the reunited white tribe. And to continue: “Eventually, Setha says it’s childish, ‘girlish’ trouble. It was she who created it unnecessarily. These are just facts, I’m not saying that to slander.

For the time being, neither Olga nor Alexandra have spoken publicly on this subject. However, note that all’s well that ends well. Indeed, if Olga is now the only member of the trio of ex-blues still in the game, she has forged a beautiful friendship with her two comrades. For his part, Setha was eliminated during the meeting of the ambassadors but keeps a good memory of this Koh Lanta !

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