“It cracked a little”: Nabilla Benattia reveals her post-pregnancy body and gives herself up without a filter

On June 5, 2022, the life of Nabilla Benattia became even more beautiful. That day, she and her husband Thomas Vergara welcomed their second child. Another little boy they named Leyann. Since then, the parents have been enjoying every moment with their newborn and their eldest Milann (2 and a half years old). And the future mother begins to quietly think about her figure. A subject that she once again mentioned on Snapchat on June 16.

On June 15, the beautiful 30-year-old brunette, who had gained 20 kilos during her pregnancy, revealed that she had already lost 10 kilos. “It can’t be seen but I feel it, after that it doesn’t bother me physically, I just feel it because I’m a little heavier, my joints hurt a little and especially my feet and legs swollen. Same for the belly, but I have a sheath so it flattens, the skin is not reattached, it’s not madness but it will take the time it takes, it’s not my priority for the moment“, she explained. And to add that she wanted to take the time to find her body before.

Nabilla reveals her belly on Snapchat

In the meantime, Nabilla Benattia is proud of her body which gave life to Leyann. As proof, she unveiled her belly the next day to show her evolution. “It’s not too bad. Well there is still a lot of relaxation, whether on the sides. The skin is not firm at all, but as I told you, I really take my time“, she specified. She then pointed out that she still had the small black line on the level of the belly, which appears during a pregnancy, and explained that for Milann, it was gone after 2-3 month. “As I tell you, I continue to use the products. So far I’m very lucky. We are 10 days away from giving birth and I have no stretch marks. I have a little in the buttocks, it cracked a little. But I don’t have any on my stomach“, she concluded the subject.

If she likes to talk about her post-pregnancy silhouette, Nabilla does not share many moments with Leyann, to the great regret of her community. The businesswoman therefore revealed why she posted fewer videos than for Milann: “It’s true that at one point I shared a lot. And there were judgments all the time. Me when I am attacked I do not care, I accept the criticism. I am far from perfect, I try to be the best version of myself for my children and me. It’s just a way to protect my family. I’m not telling you everything. (…) These are personal things and I don’t want people to comment on my way of doing things because it will annoy me.” A good hearer!

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