“It could have been worse”

Thus, the opening of the REM will be postponed for a year and the final cost of the project has again jumped, far exceeding the seven billion dollars originally envisaged.

Reaction of the Caisse de dépôt, who is at the origin of the project?

” It could have been worse… “

Not “It could have been better”, no.

” It could have been worse… “

I propose that this sentence become the new motto of Quebec.


It will appear on all license plates in Quebec.

Wherever we look, we will see it.

” It could have been worse ! »

Don’t you think that sums up Quebec perfectly?

We are greeted by a “Bonjour-Hi” in the shops of Montreal?

It could have been worse, we could be greeted in English only!

Justin Trudeau refuses to give us full powers over immigration?

It could have been worse, the feds could control everything!

Are the roads in a terrible state?

It could have been worse, we could have no road at all!

Half of secondary school students have difficulty reading and understanding simple text?

It could have been worse, 75% of the students could have sunk!


Instead of aiming higher, we’re just going to be satisfied with not being more mediocre…

We’re going to celebrate having a C, thinking we could have had a D.

Quebec is one of the poorest provinces in the country?

It could have been worse, we could be the poorest!

The art of turning bad news into good.

With “It could have been worse”, everything becomes good! Correct ! Passable!

Ten percent of CHSLD residents died during the pandemic?

The average waiting time in the emergency room is 17 hours?

Do you have to wait at least a year to see a shrink in Quebec?

Tell yourself you are lucky! Privileged!

Because it could have been worse!

Much worse !

Quick, let’s get out the wine and the sandwiches, no crusts, we’re going to celebrate!


Instead of comparing ourselves with the best (which, in the long run, could be hard on morale), we will compare ourselves with the worst!

Every time we come across bad news, we’re going to say to ourselves: “Bof, we could be in Ukraine! In Syria! In Sudan! »

Let us go with the Scandinavian countries!

We compare our education system with that of North Korea!

And our health system to that of Bangladesh!

When you compare yourself with the bottom of the class, you are never disappointed! Every day is a beautiful day! And every defeat is a victory!

“Mum, mum, I got 55% in math!”

– Oh my God I’m happy! Your cousin got 47%! »

With “It could have been worse” as a motto, life is good!

Are we being treated as racists by Canadians?

It could have been worse, they could also say that we are ugly!

Quebecers are born for a small loaf?

So what ? We could be born without bread!

Long live Quebec!

source site-64