“It cost us our women”: Eric Judor angry with Ramzy, this estrangement which led them to divorce

Eric Judor and Ramzy Bédia are brothers at heart. They may not have the same mother but they too have gone through ups and downs in their close friendship. Their humorous duo, Eric and Ramzy, opened the doors of show business to them. Thanks to him, they scoured all the scenes in France, made the audience laugh at the series H and sanded TV sets to promote the release of the many films they both shot. But now, by rubbing shoulders with each other too much and chaining projects, egos have ended up taking over. In 2008, Only Two, a feature film they are directing, marks a particular big turning point in the careers of the two comedians: their breakup. “It’s as if a couple together for fifteen years had not decided, when having a child, who was the dad and who was the mom. So it was ‘I’m the director, no it’s me, no it’s me…’ The time had come to do our own thing. For two years, we didn’t call each other, nothing, no contact“ confided Eric Judor to So Film in 2013.

If the tensions ended up easing between the two acolytes, their reunion had repercussions on their personal life. Both married at the time, Eric Judor and Ramzy Bédia end up divorcing: “It cost us our wives. For the people who lived with us, it was hellish. It must still be boring when you have the impression that your guy is 3 and a half years old when he is with his friend. Even our children, we got them drunk”. The two actors have since found love and their balance in the work, in pairs or solo.

Eric Judor is also one of the stars of the new Disney + series, Family weekend, available from this Wednesday, February 23 on the platform. He embodies Fred, a father who is hectic on a daily basis with his daughters, their mothers and his new partner. Father of five children from different marriages, Eric Judor had no great difficulty in immersing himself in this character that Disney + lovers already adore…

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