Audrey Chanonat, national education and pedagogy secretary of SNPDEN-Unsa, believes that organizing a “time of discussion” in class on racism and anti-Semitism also requires preparation time for teachers.
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“It cannot be done in a hurry”estimated Wednesday June 19 on franceinfo Audrey Chanonat, national education and pedagogy secretary of the Unsa union of national education management personnel (SNPDEN-Unsa), while Emmanuel Macron asked in the Council of Ministers that“a time for discussion” on racism and anti-Semitism be organized in schools in the coming days. This announcement comes after the case of the rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine), for which two 13-year-old teenagers were indicted and placed in detention.
“We cannot deny the importance of the subject. On the other hand, the proposal made by the President of the Republic will pose a problem for us”explained the principal of a college in Cognac (Charente). “We are caught up in the political campaign, we are once again in the midst of publicity, the heads of establishments have not been consulted.”
“Obviously we want to raise awareness among our children about the fight against anti-Semitism and racismshe continued, but we should have been consulted to be able to strengthen education in the values of the Republic, to be able to provide establishments with the means.”
“It is not with an announcement effect that we are going to resolve such an important problem.”
Audrey Chanonaton franceinfo
“The announcements made at the highest level of the State are considered as immediate application, but it doesn’t work like that”also denounced Audrey Chanonat. “To raise awareness among students on this essential issue requires resources, and it cannot be done in a hurry.”
“We are asked to do this, but we have to train teachers, they have to have the right speech when dealing with students who, in 6e for example, may not understand what we are talking aboutshe adds. Either we do it well, we put in the resources and we take time, or we do it quickly and we do it badly.”