“It can ruin someone’s life”: Vegedream breaks the silence following his attack

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He then wanted to clarify the situation. “The real story is that I had to go to the studio, I don’t know if they copped me or I don’t know what but they tried to steal my motorcycle, I took shelter with people and from there I hear stories of prostitutes. Nothing to see really. They tried to gas me, I didn’t even tell my family“, he explained. “Why is the press aware of this case?“, then asked the host of C8. I do not know. I have a police audio that says I asked them but why is there a case of prostitution? Where did this come from ? Be careful, frankly“, he replied and concluded.

As a reminder, Vegedream had been revealed to the general public with its title Bring home the cup in 2018, the year of the coronation of the French football team at the World Cup. Married for several years, the artist from Orléans would be single today. In 2020, his former partner accused him of cheating on him and hitting him during a marital dispute.

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