“It bothers me too”: Anaïs Demoustier often compared to this other great star of French cinema

Anaïs Demoustier has been part of the French cinematographic landscape for 19 years now: when she was only 15, the young girl had then starred in her first film, launching a career as prolific as it is diverse. Caesarized for Alice and the Mayorshe no longer hesitates to participate in darker films, sometimes even more political, such as Novemberwhich will be released next September and will deal with the attacks of November 13, 2015.

But if there’s one thing she doesn’t like, it’s being compared to her colleagues… and more specifically to one of France’s most famous actresses: “I have been associated a lot with Isabelle Huppert, perhaps because of the freckles“, she explains in an interview for the magazine She. Freckles, but not only: it must be said that in her first film, she played… Isabelle Huppert’s daughter! What is there to see a resemblance?

Some see something in common between her and me. It makes me happy, but it also bothers me. I admire her, her journey, her choices, the fact of never having stopped. That’s what seems complicated in this job“, she reveals. At 34, Anaïs Demoustier indeed asks herself the question a lot: how could her future in the cinema play out?

“When I started, at the age of 15, I was made to understand that it could be my first and my last film.“, says the mother of a little girl never publicized. “Today, I still have the feeling that nothing is won, ever. I think that when you start very young, there is a weird thing, as if things had happened without you really deciding. Sometimes I tell myself that I am doing this while waiting to do my real job. I have to stop thinking, at 34, that it’s not safe. When I received the Cesar for Best Actress for Alice and the Mayor, it was unreal. I felt like I was with my mother watching TV, like when I was little. It was like a joke“.

At the time, she had beaten Adèle Haenel, Eva Green, Chiara Mastroianni, Noémie Merlant, Doria Tillier and Karin Viard to win.

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