“It annoys me traffic jams in the morning to go to school!”

The column At Children’s Height offers to listen to children, their concerns, their desires, their daily lives, the subjects that interest them.

Too many cars, too many traffic jams ! Impossible to move around when approaching school and apparently it’s like that every morning in front of the Winston Churchill school in Montpellier.

Léo is a little boy who comes to us from Gabon, a country he certainly misses but Leo is already showing great wisdom for his new life.

Lou has a cousin who lives in the UK, she wanted to explain to us the differences between French and English schools.

It’s funny, every year, the students are passionate about the blob. but what is the blob? Mathieu, Yasser and Kyllian.

Zoé, Eva, Elikya and Sabrina have imagined a tale in which a blob is the hero.

Mayssae tells us more about the blob.

To each child his idol, someone he admires…singer, basketball player. Hissan is very attracted to the prowess of the Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt, the runner has several records to his credit, including a 100 m covered in 9 seconds 58.

Mayanna and Andréa, they contacted the dancer and choreographer Mathilde Monnier, who lives and works in Montpellier, at la halle tropisme among others.

Finally, we end the session with a short breathing and listening exercise. So shhhh !

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