“It almost sounds like a bird song”

Chinese action filmmaker John Woo gave a wonderful interview to the critic of the To have to François Lévesque, in which he confided in particular: “I fell deeply in love with French cinema, with the films of François Truffaut… Jacques Demy and Umbrellas of Cherbourg ! And all the other New Wave films: the way they were edited greatly influenced me. Jean-Pierre Melville’s thrillers also had a decisive impact: The Samurai remains one of my favorite films. The French cinema of that time changed my life. And French is such a beautiful language: it almost sounds like a bird song. »

I read this interview with a Chinese from Hong Kong and I can’t help but think of all those French-speakers in the world who, while raising their noses to their tongues, are subjugated by the disturbing siren song that is English. The French are mostly to blame. They should, however, set an example, France having given birth to French, but no…

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