Issa Doumbia went from 7XL to XL: the “very big health problem” that changed everything

Issa Doumbia’s fight continues. A battle that the 40-year-old actor and comedian continues to share on Instagram to reveal his physical transformations, but also to raise awareness. Thus, on September 5, 2022, he recalled that his big weight loss was linked to a health issue.

Monday, Issa Doumbia shared a new video on which we can see him in full physical exercise. In the background, he chose the music no apologies of NF, a title which he obviously did not choose at random. The former actor Our dear neighbors does not look for any excuse not to go to the gym in order to continue his training with his coach Yanis. But above all, he will never apologize for being obese. “No, we don’t apologize for being obese, because for those who don’t know: it’s a disease!“, he pointed out at the beginning of his caption.

Since sharing his development, Issa Doumbia has received many messages of encouragement, but also testimonials that have marked him. “I’ve read a lot that when you change your physique it’s to be more beautiful but lol we’re already beautiful! We do this for better health! Personally, I had a very big health problem that weighed on the balance. That’s why I’m doing and I’ll do anything to make sure it doesn’t happen again (I will surely talk about it)!“, he then revealed. Then, he encouraged the people who follow him not to listen to others, but rather to doctors, cardiologists, coaches or dieticians. Without forgetting to do blood tests and everything it for them and not for others.”NO EXCUSES we only have one life“, he concluded. A message hailed by his community.

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