Israeli army says it hit 150 underground targets after massive bombing in Gaza Strip

The Israeli army announced on Saturday October 28 that it had struck 150 underground Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip. These include tunnels used by terrorists, underground combat sites and other underground infrastructure”she clarified, affirming that “Several Hamas terrorists were killed.” On Friday evening, the IDF intensified its bombings and expanded its ground offensive in the Palestinian enclave. The Hamas health ministry said 7,326 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Gaza since October 7. Tel Aviv launched the offensive after more than 1,400 people, mostly civilians, were killed in a series of Hamas attacks. Sfollow our live stream.

Means of communication cut. Hamas reported Friday that communications and internet were cut in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Red Crescent and several UN agencies, including the World Health Organization (WHO), said they had lost contact with their teams in Gaza. “This blackout of information risks serving as a cover for mass atrocities and contributing to impunity for human rights violations”said an official from the organization Human Rights Watch (HRW).

Massive strikes on the Gaza Strip. Israeli bombardments on the Gaza Strip have increased “in a very significant way”, Friday evening, the IDF said. According to AFP journalists, the sky was constantly ablaze with the light of the explosions during the night, but the intensity of the strikes weakened on Saturday morning.

The UN calls for an “immediate humanitarian truce”. The UN General Assembly adopted by a large majority a resolution on Friday evening calling for a “immediate, lasting and sustained humanitarian truce” in the Gaza Strip. A non-binding text welcomed by Hamas, but rejected by Israel, which described it as“infamy”.

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