“Israel will go all the way,” says a former French ambassador to the United States


Video length: 7 min

War between Hamas and Israel: “Israel will go to the end,” says a former French ambassador to the United States

War between Hamas and Israel: “Israel will go to the end”, says a former French ambassador to the United States – (Franceinfo)

Gérard Araud, former French ambassador to Israel and the United States, is the guest of 12/13 info, Tuesday December 12. He returns to the strategy of the Israeli army.

Washington suspects Israel of having used white phosphorus bombs in Lebanon. “Israel will go to any lengths to achieve its objectives”, assures Gérard Araud, former French ambassador to Israel and the United States, guest of 12/13 info, Tuesday December 12. According to him, the Israelis cannot say what their military objective is. “The eradication of Hamas is obviously impossible”he elaborates.

No unanimity in Europe to sanction Israel

The Israeli army announced the establishment of an additional checkpoint in Gaza. It inspects humanitarian aid, which is contrary to humanitarian law. “Israel acts in accordance with its conception of its interests (…) you could say ‘we must sanction Israel’, but there will be no unanimity among Europeans”, details Gérard Araud. The United States supports Israel, but also Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelensky is in the United States to ask for aid. “Our European defense industry is not in a state of war”alerts the former ambassador. “If the Americans stop their military support for Ukraine, we are unable to take over”he concludes.

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