Israel “was in dire need of recovering its dissuasive credibility,” says Frédéric Encel, a doctor of geopolitics.



Video length: 4 min

War in the Middle East: Israel “cruelly needed to recover its dissuasive credibility”, says Frédéric Encel, doctor in geopolitics
War in the Middle East: Israel “cruelly needed to recover its dissuasive credibility”, says Frédéric Encel, doctor in geopolitics
(France 2)

Doctor of geopolitics and professor at Sciences Po Paris, Frédéric Encel, is the guest of “20 Heures”, Tuesday, September 24. He discusses the brutal rise in tensions in Lebanon, where Israel has multiplied attacks in recent days. Hezbollah is in the sights of the Hebrew state.

As Israeli strikes multiply on Lebanese territory, Frédéric Encel, doctor in geopolitics, returns, on the set of “20 Heures”, to the rise in violence between Hezbollah and the Hebrew State, Tuesday September 24.On both sides, we know how far not to go too far. In a balance of power, you always have the possibility of hitting harder. For example, Hezbollah could hit Tel Aviv directly, (…) the Israelis could invade the south of the country.“, explains the lecturer at Sciences Po Paris.

Frédéric Encel believes that both sides would have too much to lose in such an escalation.Look how Iran is not intervening“, he adds. A step has nevertheless been taken recently in the violence of Israeli attacks. The doctor in geopolitics explains that the country’s general staff “was in dire need of regaining dissuasive credibility. This is a valuable geopolitical material. (…) Israel feared that with the Hamas ‘coup’ (the attack of October 7), the whole region would say that finally, it was possible to strike Israel without too much fear of costly reprisals.“The Lebanese population would be torn between the responsibility that part of it attributes to Hezbollah in this situation, and its firm rejection of Israel.

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