Israel strikes on the Syrian port of Latakia

(Damascus) Israeli airstrikes hit the Syrian port of Latakia on Tuesday, the second such attack in December against a strategic installation in the country, said Syrian state media.

“At around 3:21 am, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial attack with several missiles in the direction of the Mediterranean […] targeting the container yard at the port of Latakia, ”the Syrian news agency SANA said, citing a military source.

The attack caused “significant material damage” and resulted in fires, the agency added.

Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes on Syrian territory since civil war erupted there in 2011, targeting government positions as well as Iran-backed forces and Hezbollah fighters.

On December 7, Israel launched strikes against an Iranian arms shipment in the port of Latakia, located in west-central Syria ruled by President Bashar al-Assad, without causing any casualties.

It was the first attack on this port since the start of the war, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH), an NGO based in the United Kingdom and which has an extensive network of sources in the country at war.

The Jewish state rarely comments on strikes it carries out against its northern neighbor, but has repeatedly stated that it will not allow its enemy, Iran, to expand its influence in Syria.

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