Israel-Hamas conflict, NPA accused of glorifying terrorism… Manuel Bompard’s “8h30 franceinfo”

The coordinator of La France insoumise (LFI) and deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday October 11, 2023.

Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France insoumise (LFI) and deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday October 11, 2023. Israel-Hamas conflict, NPA accused of advocating terrorism… He answered questions from Jérôme Chapuis and Salhia Brakhlia.

Hamas’ actions are ‘acts of war crimes’

“Hamas is an organization that committed acts on Saturday aimed at sowing terror”these are “acts of war crimes and this is what will allow them to be judged internationally”. It is “most serious crimes”, reacts Manuel Bompard. Those are “acts that must be condemned with the greatest force”he said, without qualifying Hamas as a terrorist organization, which was criticized Tuesday by the head of the rebellious deputies, Mathilde Panot, who did not wish to directly qualify Hamas as an organization. “terrorist” during a press conference held at the National Assembly.

“While our support must be total for the Israeli population, our support cannot be unconditional for the State of Israel”added Manuel Bompard. “We stood up during the minute of silence” in the National Assembly but “I would also have liked it to focus on the Palestinian victims”.

Israel-Hamas: Bompard fears that the conflict will serve as a “pretext” to divide the Nupes

Manuel Bompard regretted “Franco-French controversies on the Nupes” while LFI is criticized, including within the left-wing Nupes alliance, for its positions considered too ambiguous on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. “We are talking about an international conflict in which there are thousands of deaths, I think that deserves better than Franco-French controversies on Nupes”, says the LFI coordinator. If the deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône reiterated his attachment “at the Nupes building” set up by LFI, he fears that the conflict between Israel and Hamas will serve as “pretext” to the left alliance parties (PS, EELV, PCF) “to try to justify a break with Nupes or to clarify a position with Nupes”.

NPA targeted by investigation for “apology of terrorism”: “It’s scandalous”

“In no case can we accuse the NPA of advocating terrorism”, declares Manuel Bompard, while the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) is the target of an investigation for “apology of terrorism” after its press release reacting to the Hamas attack against Israel. Manuel Bompard added that he “does not recognize himself in the press release published by the NPA”. The fact that the New Anti-Capitalist Party, “democratic party”, is the subject of an investigation for advocating terrorism, “It’s scandalous”, according to the deputy.

Nupes: “Our political opponents” and “the media class” are putting us in danger”

“Our opponents and a large part of the media class put us in danger and bear a very heavy responsibility in this situation,” reacts Manuel Bompard, the day after the comments of singer Enrico Macias made on CNews and calling for “dégommage” LFI.

“When I hear the far left giving up in the face of this horror, well you’re forcing me to say what I didn’t want to say, we have to kill these people”declared the 84-year-old singer, on the Pascal Praud set. “Politically”, the host objected. “Yes, of course… but maybe also physically”, Enrico Macias then replied. For Manuel Bompard, the virulence of these remarks is the result of “interpretation and slander” that “the political class” And “the media class” are trying “to spread in the country on the positions” of LFI.


Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Wednesday October 11, 2023:

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