Israel-Gaza conflict, State medical aid, glyphosate… Olivier Véran’s “8h30 franceinfo”

The government spokesperson was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday October 10, 2023.

Olivier Véran, government spokesperson, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Tuesday October 10, 2023. Israel-Gaza conflict, State medical aid, glyphosate… He answered questions from Jérôme Chapuis and Salhia Brakhlia.

“Israel experienced its September 11th”

“Israel is a friend, a country that we support”reacts Olivier Véran. “Israel experienced its September 11th”, he adds. “It is not my place to comment this morning on how Israel will decide to respond,” as the country implemented a complete siege of the Gaza Strip. “The Palestinians are also the victims of this Hamas”. “We don’t do diplomacy with terrorists, we fight terrorism and we do diplomacy with states”says Olivier Véran. “I am embarrassed that we can make people who are radicalized, who are assassins, terrorists, people who would act in the name of their population”declares the government spokesperson.

Israel-Gaza conflict: “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is all hate”

“Jean-Luc Mélenchon is full of hatred”, believes Olivier Véran, after Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s position on the Hamas attack against Israel and then his reproaches to the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif) made on Monday. For Olivier Véran, the leader of La France insoumise is “against a current” with those “virulent comments”. “He is someone who has in any case decided to switch to something that is not the left of government and who has decided that it is good to legitimize the use of violence, at least to excuse it “deplores the government spokesperson

State medical aid: “I have a real disagreement with Gérald Darmanin”

“I have a real disagreement with Gérald Darmanin” on the subject of State Medical Aid (AME), confides government spokesperson and former doctor Olivier Véran. “I assume it in the same way that he assumes it”, insists the minister. Sunday, in Le Parisien-Today in Francethe Minister of the Interior said “favorable”, but “on a personal basis”, to the proposal of the Republicans (LR) to eliminate the AME to “transform it into AMU, emergency medical aid”. The question of AME appears in the text on immigration, studied in the Senate from November.

Glyphosate: “We are in the process of developing a rational scientific solution”

“Our desire is to completely and generally eliminate pesticides which are suspected of having a negative role on health”says Olivier Véran. “France has expressed its disagreement with the ten-year extension of its authorization provided that there are alternatives”, he specifies, while the European Commission proposed in September to renew the authorization of glyphosate in the EU for ten years. The Member States of the European Union will vote on October 13 on the Commission’s proposal to renew for ten years in the EU the authorization of this herbicide suspected of being carcinogenic, but for which the European regulator has not identified no level of risk justifying the ban.


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” from Tuesday October 10, 2023:

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