Israel and Hamas at war | Ottawa provides additional aid of 50 million

Canada is adding an additional $50 million in support for humanitarian organizations in the Middle East, announced Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly in her speech at the Peace Summit taking place in Cairo, Egypt.

This amount will not go into the hands of Hamas, assured the minister. The money will be paid to different organizations, including some United Nations agencies, to help the region, she said.

The additional sum on Saturday morning is in addition to the 10 million announced last week by the Minister of International Development, Ahmed Hussen.

“We demand that Hamas release the hostages,” urged Mélanie Joly during her speech and recalled the Palestinians’ right to self-determination.

Remember that approximately 430 Canadian nationals and their families are still stuck in Gaza, since the Hamas attack on October 7 against Israel, followed by reprisals by the Israeli army. Discussions are continuing on several fronts in order to be able to evacuate them.

On Saturday, a first convoy of humanitarian aid was able to be sent to the region, thanks to the temporary opening of a border crossing between Egypt and Gaza. Minister Joly was happy to hear this news, but “it is not enough,” she added.

Indeed, only 20 trucks were allowed to enter, a quantity considered insufficient to combat the unprecedented humanitarian crisis according to aid workers deployed on the ground. More than 200 trucks carrying around 3,000 tonnes of humanitarian equipment have been positioned near the crossing point for days.

“We must allow rapid and barrier-free access for humanitarian aid in order to be able to offer essential assistance to people in need,” argued the minister.

“Even in times of crisis, there are principles, and even in times of war, there are rules. Canada supports that at all times, all parties involved in a conflict must respect international humanitarian laws. »

Fears of wider conflict

Still during his speech at the Cairo Peace Summit, Joly denounced Iran’s support for Hamas, calling it “deeply disturbing.” She fears this could have a snowball effect and help spread the conflict to other countries, something Canada wants to avoid.

“We are seriously concerned by the actions taken by Iran and its allies aimed at destabilizing peace and security in the Middle East,” said the minister.

Furthermore, the head of Canadian diplomacy confirmed that the Canadian death toll remains at six dead and two people missing in connection with the conflict between Hamas and Israel. Overall, the clashes have cost the lives of more than 4,000 Palestinians and 1,400 people in Israel.

Canada continues to advocate a “two-state” solution, where a Palestinian state and a State of Israel coexist.

“Israeli and Palestinian civilians are equal and both must be protected. They deserve to be able to live in peace and security, with dignity, and without fear,” argued Minister Joly, echoing what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau supported on Friday.

“The world and the region need a peaceful, secure, prosperous and viable Palestinian state, alongside a peaceful, prosperous, democratic and secure Israeli state,” Mr. Trudeau said at a press conference on Friday. held in Ontario.

The Canadian Press and the Associated Press

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