Isolated Quebecers in Cuba | Victims of their unconsciousness

While a majority of Quebecers were preparing to spend the Holidays modest and without gathering, despite the increases in cases in Quebec, despite the arrival of Omicron, people are defying the government’s recommendations and leaving the country at their destination from a poor country.

They fly to Cuba, which struggles to provide its own people with food and services, living for a long time under the weight of an American embargo and a deficit of democracy.

When they test positive for COVID-19, their first instinct is to say that they were infected there, rather than wondering if they themselves would not have carried the virus in their “asymptomatic luggage.” “.

They demand to be treated as tourists, to eat better than the local population. They talk about prison!

Obviously, a visit to a real Cuban prison, where freedom of expression defenders are languishing, was not on their agenda.

They are victims only of their ignorance of their host country, if not of their contempt, their recklessness and their neglect.

This morning, seeing the Quebec toll of 158 new hospitalizations and 39 deaths, their misadventure does not draw any tears to me. I find that not even worth a screen in my journal.

source site-58