Isolated in her room in Israel, the French candidate for Miss Universe has just posted a crazy video!

“I will stay in isolation for 10 days, I will write, play sports, gain strength and I will be retested again” … A few days ago, Clémence Botino learned some very bad news. While she must compete in the Miss Universe election on December 12, her participation is compromised. The former Miss France having contracted the Covid-19 …

It was through a long text published on Instagram that she shared her sadness. The one who offered her crown to Amandine Petit almost a year ago announced at first: “I cried a lot today. I was devastated, because it is too much “, before adding:” I tell you honestly it is too much. I am a positive, determined person, I work very hard and I give myself body and soul. The last two years have been strewn with hardships, but this one is tough ”.

Everyone can understand the sentence of Clémence Botino. Because in addition to having to go through a complicated period, because of the side effects of the virus such as loss of taste, smell, fatigue, or even stiffness, not to mention the risks of ending up in intensive care, it is a dream that could fall apart.

Winning Miss France is a huge chance, of course, but participating in Miss Universe, and perhaps winning the competition, is even more so. The young woman knows it and it is probably for this reason that the pill is even harder to swallow. However, in recent days, it seems that his morale has returned to good shape.

Proof of this is with one of her many videos published on her Instagram account this Thursday, December 2 in which she dances and displays a wonderful smile. Clémence Botino, accompanying his post with the following caption: “A little humor to put everything that is happening into perspective!” “However, the virus does exist, it is there, watch out! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love ”. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that she still keeps her joie de vivre and that she can represent France on December 12th.


See also: Clémence Botino: her last photo is talking about her a lot

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