ISLE SUR SORGUE / Sandra in the land of all cardboard

We spend the week in Isle sur Sorgue, over the water but especially over the reports of Philippe Garcia; On the Isle, there is a designer who is very committed to recycling. She does wonders.

Sandra Piney founded La maison en carton where she creates with this material that nobody wants. Go to her place, behind any wall in the center of Isle sur la Sorgue. There, hides a creative workshop.

A workshop at La maison en carton costs from €8 to €18 depending on whether you are a child or an adult. To name just two dates: one Friday a month, with the CCAS of Isle sur Sorgue, Sandra leads a workshop with seniors. Next workshop on May 20. Sunday, May 22 in the morning: recycled flower workshop at SIDOMRA in Apt.

And you can contact Sandra Piney to create unique workshops, alone or with others.

The Cardboard House Sandra PINNEY The Cardboard House / 56 bis impasse de la République 84800 L’Isle sur la Sorgue / 06 63 06 86 94

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