Isle Children’s Book Fair with France Bleu Limousin

After two difficult years, this spring 2022 finally welcomes the 33rd Youth Book Fair in Isle. An unmissable event that will take place from March 24 to 27 with a program full of discoveries, curiosities and great adventures!

More than 30 years of existence

The Salon du Livre Jeunesse d’Isle has existed since 1987 and has always had the successful ambition of bringing the pleasure of reading to the youngest. This fair has all its importance when we know that children’s literature, long forgotten, now occupies second place on the publishing market, just after general literature.

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In Isle for three decades, this literature in its own right offers visitors free moments of exchange with authors and illustrators, workshops to dream, imagine and project themselves into the future.

The book is often the first cultural object that is put in the hands of the child

Today, traditional tales are revisited, modernized, listening to our society. They are topical and illustrated to support the point.

albums have become objects that are both playful and creative

Some authors and illustrators present at the Isle Youth Book Fair from March 24 to 27
City of Isle Facebook

“Inhabit the world”

For this 33rd Youth Book Fair, the theme “inhabit the world” which was selected. A theme that resonates with the many challenges of this show:

  • promote the development of children and young people through culture
  • develop integration into community life
  • promote children’s literature
  • Develop public reading

inhabit the world” by offering exchanges during this show but also upstream, in the classrooms, at the Mediatheque.

inhabit the world” by offering writing, illustration and expression workshops as well as shows and events.

See you in Isle for this free Salon with France Bleu Limousin from March 24 to 27

Maison du Temps Libre (MTL) – 1 avenue de la République

  • Friday – Saturday: 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. then 2 p.m. – 7 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. then 2 p.m. – 7 p.m.

but also …

  • Robert Margerit Cultural Center Media Library 2 rue du General de Gaulle
  • Espace Générations 1 avenue des Carrières

All the program of these three days here

source site-36