island life punctuated by blockages


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In Martinique, the unions have called for the lifting of the roadblocks, but so far nothing has changed, and in Guadeloupe, the curfew has been extended until Sunday, November 28. On site, blockages disrupt the lives of residents.

It is now the roadblocks and the goodwill of the demonstrators that punctuate the daily life of Guadeloupe. Some towns, some houses are almost cut off from the world. “The trash cans do not pass, nothing passes. It’s been three weeks (…) we waits”, sums up a woman, whose two sisters no longer dare to leave their home.

“It’s blocked on the right, it’s blocked on the left so we stay quiet”, confirms one of them. On their terrace, it is the return from school to home, as in the days of confinement. All schools on the island have been closed since Friday, November 19. “We work at home, I have my sister to work and it’s hard “, tells a young Guadeloupe. Her father, a biomedical technician, has not been able to go to work for several days.


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