Islamophobic witch hunt in Alberta

The Alberta Human Rights Commission has been at the center of a controversy for several months. Its former manager, Collin May, was fired. After working there for three years, he became the boss last spring. A graduate of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, he worked notably for the Red Cross in Geneva and had the perfect profile.

Islamophobic blasphemy

But there. 13 years ago Collin committed a very serious crime. Which? He wrote a reading review of a book by a Jewish historian. In Muslim Imperialism, Efraim Karsh explains that Islam is prone to violence and expansion. However, Collin May dared to report on Karsh’s words in his review.

Of course, this Islamophobic blasphemy was unacceptable to the Muslim Council of Canada (CNMC), an organization bringing together fundamentalist militants. Let us mention for example Wael Haddara. In 2012, he resigned from the CNMC Board of Directors. He became a political adviser to then Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, a radical Muslim member of the Muslim Brotherhood. His government wanted to turn Egypt into a religious theocracy, like in Iran, and was eventually overthrown by the military.

All that to say that the NCMC lobbied for May to be fired, a campaign joined in particular by the Canadian Muslim Research Think Tank. Last April, this organization declared on its facebook page that Palestinian children were victims of pedophilia practiced by Jews. Israel was also accused of engaging in the systemic and planned murder of the entire Palestinian population. To prevent this situation, Canada was asked to help militarily

20 million dead

This Muslim group also claimed in another publication that the United States and NATO, of which Canada is a member, have “massacred more than 20 million people, including 15 million Muslims”. He also denounces “the hypocrisy and the Judeo-Christian colonial bias” of the West.

So these are the types of organizations that destroyed Collin May’s life. He no longer has a job and must wage a legal battle alone against the Alberta government and against those who slandered him. He is depressed and hardly anyone defends him publicly in English Canada.

Unfortunately this is not surprising. I recently attended a conference by Yasmine Muhamed, this woman from Vancouver who was martyred for years by her Islamist family and who published her memoirs. The English-language media have spoken very little of his story. Why? Because bullying works. Journalists and politicians are afraid of being called Islamophobic. They crash before organizations of Muslim fundamentalists.

How not to say a word here about Justin Trudeau? His government is currently in the process of hiring an Islamophobia commissioner. The hunt for Islamophobic witches will no longer be the sole prerogative of groups of religious extremists. It will become the official policy of the country and will be carried out by Ottawa which will finance it with our taxes. Long live Canadian multiculturalism!

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