Islamic State terrorist organization attacks prison, feared escapes

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights did not immediately report any casualties in the rare attack in the city of Hassakeh.

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The Islamic State (IS) terrorist group on Thursday (January 20th) launched an assault on a prison controlled by Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria, freeing an unknown number of jihadists, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported. the man, a Syrian NGO.

The NGO, which has an extensive network of sources in Syria, did not immediately report possible victims in this rare attack in the city of Hassaké, controlled by the Syrian Kurds.

The Syrian Democratic Forces, dominated by Kurdish fighters and spearheading the fight against ISIS, confirmed the assault on Ghwayran prison, one of the largest housing jihadists in Syria, but not the escape of jihadists, evoking only “escape attempts”.

source site-24