Isabelle Yacoubou back in Tarbes next season

A return to close the loop? Isabelle Yacoubou, Olympic basketball vice-champion with the French team in London in 2012, announced this morning in an interview with Berry Républicain that she would return to play in Tarbes next season, she who has just spent the last three seasons in Bourges, another club in the Women’s League. A signing for two seasons.

Born in Benin, Isabelle Yacoubou arrived in France at the age of 16, in 2003 and immediately played with the TGB, where she evolved until 2010, winning in her last year the title of champion of France. She then joined the Italian club Schio, before playing in Spain, Russia, Turkey and China, before returning to Schio and then leaving Italy to return to France, in Bourges in 2019.

The TGB has not yet confirmed this information. Isabelle Yacoubou, 36, has 147 selections with the France team.

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