Isabelle Morini-Bosc settles accounts with Thierry Moreau and responds to his “no hooked atom”!

It is well known, on the set of “Chez Jordan”, the guests tend to empty their bags in front of Jordan De Luce… And one thing is certain, the show on Tuesday March 28, 2023 was no exception! Invited to the set of C8, Thierry Moreau indeed spoke about his sometimes complicated collaboration with Estelle Denis… But not only! The journalist also wanted to look back on his many years spent with the “Touche pas à mon poste” band, a show he left permanently in May 2017… And the least we can say is that the former recruit of Cyril Hanouna does not keep good relations with all his former colleagues.

The proof, to the question “which is the columnist that you cannot saquer”, the 58-year-old man did not hesitate to answer by quoting the name of Isabelle Morini-Bosc.“I have a little trouble with his positions, we don’t have the same way of seeing political life. I haven’t had anything in common with her, for quite a long time. Every time we had to meet…” he explained.

“I remember once when I offered her something at RTL, she took it badly… The current is not flowing”finally concluded Thierry Moreau… Words that have already made the main interested party react.

See also: Pierre Palmade case: his friends in the profession have all disappeared!

Isabelle Morini-Bosc responds to Thierry Moreau

“Oh! The irresistible temptation to rewrite history. The reality is simpler: during a pleasant lunch, requested by Thierry and paid for by me with pleasure, he asked me to convey to the management his desire to “do media” on RTL. I transmitted “, she tweeted this Wednesday, March 29, 2023. And to add via a second tweet: “Is it my fault if my “big boss at the time” did not want to follow up? But I like my Thierry. When will there be a new episode of Thierry la Fronde? “.


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