Isabelle Morini-Bosc dismissed from Touche not at my post? She finally explains her absence

Isabelle Morini Bosc is one of the essential chroniclers of Do not touch My TV. The 65-year-old journalist has been giving her opinion since 2013, almost since the start of the show. So inevitably, his strange absence in recent weeks questions. Isabelle Morini-Bosc has indeed not been seen around Cyril Hanouna’s table since January 10. Neither the host nor she commented on this distance from the antenna, enough to leave room for several rumors. Passing through the Jordan Deluxe show, At Jordan’sfor Entertainment TVIsabelle Morini-Bosc put an end to the mystery.

PWhy haven’t we seen you for a few weeks?, allowed himself to ask Jordan Deluxe during their interview. And for the columnist to admit that this was just a simple principle of musical chairs. “A few weeks, you exaggerate! I was wondering when you were going to ask me. You have noticed, from time to time Cyril Hanouna rotatesand there for eight or ten days, it’s me. I accept it perfectly. He does what he wants, he’s the boss“, she explained.

Isabelle Morin-Bosc even readily acknowledges that her absence is ultimately only very unimportant as long as Cyril Hanouna is on his side always present to make the show: “He is the alpha male, the dominant male. It is he who is important […] Whoever he puts around the table.

The accomplice of Gilles Verdez in any case silences the gossips who said she was sick or at odds with the troublemaker of C8. “Some think I have the virus, those who think I went on vacation when I never take it, others who would like so much that Cyril Hanouna no longer wants me... That may be the case, but you have to ask him the question.“, she said again. Isabelle Morini-Bosc is not ready to leave her large family of Do not touch My TV. “I deeply love this show. […] If tomorrow he decides that I no longer have my place, I will accept it perfectly. Corn it would hurt medeeply“, she concluded on the subject.

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