Isabelle Morini-Bosc attacked with a knife, her terrible confidences

Saturday November 5, Matthieu Delormeau was at the helm of a new issue of “TPMP People”. While the band of columnists evoked the unbalanced who chase the stars, Isabelle Morini-Bosc delivered a poignant revelation.

The one who entered RTL in the early 1990s, to animate chronicles on television in the morning of the station, confided to have suffered a terrible attack, in 2004. “I was doing the first year of Michel Denisot’s Grand Journal and there was a guy who had a fix on me. I was, I repeat, not what I am today”, she blurted out before continuing: “I arrive one morning at 4am at RTL and the guy was there. He stuck me, he absolutely wanted us to talk, to go have a coffee, at 4am! (…) After a while, I got angry, I said: ‘Listen, I really have to go to work.’ He took out a knife and cut my arm. I still have the scar”explained while showing the trace still visible on the arm, under the amazed eyes of Matthieu Delormeau.

The columnist replaced since last season by Danielle Moreau in TPMP confided last February on another even more painful subject… She revealed that she had been raped 6 years ago now, without ever having filed a complaint. I was belted back as I walked. He took me to a grove. A gentleman who was a marathon runner… I was very lucky. I parleyed all the time, I had a lot of composure. Obviously he wasn’t a full-time bastard, we talked a lot. It lasted two hours… And then I finished my jogging. I did not file a complaint because I was dirty (…) And then, I have a fault, I have an over-empathy. In a way, I forgave him. I lived it, now I close the door”she said.

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