Isabelle Mergault’s huge rant against vaccination and the number of booster doses

Initially it was two doses. Then finally three. And maybe four or even more. Indeed, we do not really know how many doses we will be entitled to in order to stem the Covid-19 pandemic. And it begins to annoy strongly. Whether citizens or personalities. Many of the latter are reacting to the latest announcements by Prime Minister Jean Castex on December 27, when he informed that the gauges for shows and other cultural events were going to be established again. But in addition to that, a vaccination pass was going to be put in place. A general dissatisfaction was then felt and the peoples expressed, in different ways, their dissatisfaction.

Jean-Luc Reichmann, for example, seized a few hours ago of his Instagram account to tackle government decisions by also addressing the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron. “ In less than five years, we have nevertheless gone from “On the move! “To” Sit, not move! “”. The host referring to the campaign slogan of the President of the Republic for the 2017 Presidential election. But the one who gives us a good time at lunchtime with his show Les 12 coups de midi was not the only one to expressed annoyance that the situation had not seemed to be moving forward for two years.

Isabelle Mergault also seemed drunk by this lack of information and these changes in decisions along the way. The filmmaker and actress received her 3rd booster dose this Thursday, December 30, like a large part of the French. She announced the news on her Twitter account and took the opportunity to warn her community and the government: “I did the 3rd dose yesterday. Good shape. But for the 4th or 5th, they can still scratch. It is niet. I live like the unvaccinated. Mask, distance, anxiety etc. What a stuffer! “ Unfortunately for her, it looks like, in the next few months, we may need more booster doses …

I did the 3rd dose yesterday. Good shape. But for the 4th or 5th, they can still scratch. It is niet. I live like the unvaccinated. Mask, distance, anxiety etc. What a stuffer! – Isabelle Mergault (@IsaMergault) December 30, 2021

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