Isabelle Melançon at the head of the Urban Development Institute

Lobby of developers, the Urban Development Institute of Quebec (IDU) will have as its new leader the former Liberal minister Isabelle Melançon. She replaces Jean-Marc Fournier, who is retiring in early June.

Mme Melançon was Director General of Communications for the Société de développement des entreprises culturelle (SODEC), then Director of Cabinet and Member of Parliament for Verdun in the National Assembly from 2016 to 2022. She was also Minister of Sustainable Development, the Environment and the fight against climate change, in the government of Philippe Couillard.

The IDU is at the forefront to defend the idea of ​​the densification of the inhabited territory. Its challenges are many in a period characterized by a housing shortage and deteriorating affordability.

“I am proud to join an industry that wants to turn these challenges into opportunities. I intend to continue the numerous collaborations with all those who think about the subject so that we can all build the neighborhoods of the future together,” says Isabelle Melançon, in a communication published by the IDU.

Himself a former Liberal minister, Jean-Marc Fournier took over as head of the IDU in 2020. He replaced André Boisclair, who had resigned due to an accusation of sexual assault brought against him. Mr. Fournier’s mandate was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic which made its impact felt on commercial real estate.

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