Isabelle Boulay pacsée with Eric Dupont-Moretti: their very banal meeting that changed their lives

Isabelle Boulay is one of the sure values ​​of French song – even if the latter is of Quebec origin. This Tuesday, March 22, she will tread the stage of the Olympia in Paris to honor with her presence The French song festival broadcast on France 2. She will share the poster of the program with other music stars: Eddy Mitchell, Pascal Obispo, Julien Clerc, Marc Lavoine or even Michael Jones. His collaboration with these male artists will only be purely professional since Isabelle Boulay is already taken on the heart. The interpreter fell in love with Eric Dupond-Moretti, a renowned French lawyer, now a minister. Love at first sight took place in 2016. And there was no need for social events, business trips or impromptu encounters in court for the paths of future lovers to cross.

It was during a private dinner organized by mutual friends that Isabelle Boulay and Eric Dupond-Moretti spoke to each other for the first time. The duo has never left each other since, except in exceptional cases such as during a global pandemic where each lived 5000 kilometers from each other. Isabelle retained in Canada during confinement, Eric Dupond-Moretti had no other choice than to stay in Paris to ensure his work. Rumors of a potential separation then circulated before the Keeper of the Seals brushed them off with the back of his hand in a program by Laurent Ruquier in 2020: “Isabelle, I got it 10 minutes ago. First, she greets you warmly. She’s rehearsing, she’s performing tonight in Ottawa at a place called Parliament Hill“.

The distance is not insurmountable despite the difficulty it represents for their love: “Things have been further complicated by the Covid. For the rest, we reciprocally respect our freedoms and our choices. We manage to see each other as regularly as possible, not enough for my taste, not enough for her taste, but we manage…“indicated Eric Dupond-Moretti on France Inter. They are even doing very well since, as he said on the same station, the lovebirds have settled down! With them, love has no limits and even fewer borders. !

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