Isabelle Boulay in a relationship with Éric Dupond-Moretti: Apartment, security … she tells about their daily life

Obviously, when the Acquittator was offered the post of Minister of Justice, it was difficult to refuse such an offer! So Éric Dupond-Moretti said yes. Aware, we imagine, that this would necessarily have an impact on his private life, starting with his relationship. His companion Isabelle Boulay delivered herself to RTL on Saturday June 4.

Since 2016, Isabelle Boulay has been in a relationship with Éric Dupond-Moretti. A romantic relationship revealed to the general public after the publication of stolen photos. The lovers have since agreed on several occasions to evoke this beautiful story, which is already not easy to live with because the singer spends part of the year in Quebec, to see her son Marcus, and who experienced a new obstacle during the appointment of the famous lawyer to the government. How are they currently living their romance? The interpreter of Talk to me reveal it! “When I learned that he was going to become Minister of Justice, I had the impression that something was going to escape us, but on the contrary I think it brought us even closer“, she swears. Since things are going well, there was therefore no reason for Éric Dupond-Moretti to refuse to return to his post after Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the 2022 presidential election.

Obviously, going out with the Minister of Justice requires complying with a few constraints, but Isabelle Boulay claims to have “great adaptability“and that she has”quite well” lived the first two years during which her lover was in office. But it was necessary to deal with various novelties, starting with the daily presence of security guards. “It is on that the field of intimacy becomes a little more complicated, we live with a security team which is always juxtaposedbut they are really very nice people“, says the singer. “It’s not an injury that he’s not always with me, it’s not something that hurts me“, she adds.

Moreover, Isabelle Boulay does not fail to specify that she has voluntarily made the choice not to live in the same place as Éric Dupond-Moretti, with whom she is in a civil partnership. “I kept a certain independence, I don’t live in the Chancellery [place Vendôme dans le 1er arrondissement de Paris, NDLR], I wanted to keep our apartment. I think I have a pretty good life“, she says. The star, who will celebrate her 50th birthday on July 6 with a concert at the Olympia, also adds feeling “free“, otherwise she would have run away a long time ago.

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