Isabelle Balkany tested positive for Covid-19 in hospital, after a suicide attempt

The former first deputy mayor of Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine) is hospitalized after a suicide attempt on Thursday, following a court decision.

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Isabelle Balkany tested positive for Covid-19 on Friday February 4, while she was in hospital, franceinfo learned. She has been hospitalized since Thursday for a suicide attempt, after the Rouen Court of Appeal (Seine-Maritime) revoked the couple’s placement under an electronic bracelet as part of their conviction for tax evasion. The sentence adjustment of the former mayor of Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine) and his first deputy has been revoked because of repeated breaches of their house arrest at the Cossy mill, their mansion in Giverny (Eure ). This revocation paves the way for their incarceration.

“She said ‘I’m not going to prison, I’m deleting myself'”reported to BFMTV her husband. “I was downstairs talking to my lawyer, she got hers, she swallowed a box of je-ne-sais-quoi”added Patrick Balkany. She had posted an equivocal message on Twitter a few minutes before, reminiscent of the one she posted on Facebook before her suicide attempt in early May 2019, before the first trial.

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