Isabelle Balkany, operated “for 5 hours”, left the hospital: the reasons for her very heavy intervention

Isabelle Balkany, hospitalized since her suicide attempt last February, was released from the hospital on Saturday June 4, 2022, reports AFP who learned it from a source close to the legal file in which she is involved. The former elected representative of Levallois-Perret is in “convalescence” at his home in Giverny (Eure). In the process, his lawyer finally revealed, after having sworn to want to keep the “Confidential medical information“, that she had been operated on for cancer. But justice has always had her in her sights and will hold her to account.

It is therefore discreetly that Isabelle Balkany, who has only made very rare immersions on Twitter in recent months, has returned to her chic house in Giverny where she has lived for years with her husband Patrick. Asked by AFP, his lawyer Pierre-Olivier Sur did not wish to confirm this information, “for three reasons: lawyer-professional secrecy, medical secrecy and a requirement of dignity“. But the latter did not keep his tongue in his pocket for very long since he finally granted a few words to BFMTV to publicly discuss the health of his client. He revealed on Monday June 6 that she had been operated for lung cancer. “She is currently receiving post-operative care at her home, following the discovery of cancerous Neo-Endocrine Tumors (NETs) of the right lung.“, he added.

Our colleagues specify that Isabelle Balkany was operated on at the Foch hospital (Suresnes in the Hauts-de-Seine) where she underwent “a very heavy five-hour surgery to remove the middle lobe of the right lung and part of the bronchusleading to postoperative complications. ” Her condition is fragile and she will have to undergo heavy treatment in the months to come. What will complicate her return to prison?

As a reminder, the former elected Les Républicains had made yet another suicide attempt in February, swallowing large quantities of drugs. Then, subsequently, she was then affected by the Covid-19. We therefore discover that cancer has been added to his misadventures. The day of her suicide attempt, the Rouen Court of Appeal confirmed the decision of the Sentence Enforcement Court (TAP) of Evreux (Eure) to revoke her placement under an electronic bracelet and that of her husband Patrick Balkany – still imprisoned -, following numerous breaches.

Its placement under an electronic bracelet, in serving a three-year prison sentence for tax evasion, had been revoked, which meant incarceration. Isabelle and Patrick Balkany had rung their bracelets more than a hundred times! Justice must soon hear him and decide on the rest of his sentence to be served.

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