Isabelle Balkany “in the coaltar” after her suicide attempt: the troubles are not over

The Balkany couple is again at the heart of the news since the announcement of the revocation of their placement under electronic bracelet. The Evreux sentence enforcement court decided in December to revoke the couple’s placement under electronic bracelets, following numerous breaches in their mansion in Giverny (Eure), where they had been under house arrest since March 2021.

On February 3, the Rouen Court of Appeal confirmed the revocation of the placement under an electronic bracelet of the Balkany spouses, paving the way for the imprisonment of the former mayor LR of Levallois-Perret and his wife convicted of tax evasion. . The just-official news was too much for Isabelle Balkany, who was immediately taken to the hospital after attempting suicide. She would have swallowed many barbiturates.

However, according to our information and the message that passes on BFMTV, it would be more a need to no longer suffer this anxiety, this result, to sleep, rather than a suicide attempt…

Her husband gave her news yesterday, telling Le Parisien: “She remains hospitalized at the moment. She was taken care of very quickly and the worst was avoided. I didn’t go see her today, because I didn’t know if they were going to pick me up.“. He also told AFP, “she’s in the coaltar“. As a reminder, Isabelle Balkany had already tried to end her life in 2019.

The 74-year-old politician is not at the end of her troubles since she has just tested positive for Covid-19 on top of all that. BFM TV, who broke the news, did not say whether she is already showing symptoms. Anyway, Isabelle Balkany should stay a while longer in the hospital … before being imprisoned?

Dominique Puechmaille, the public prosecutor of Evreux, explained to AFP why the placement under electronic bracelet of the couple was revoked: “They spent their time playing with fire. At some point, it’s very simple, when we play with fire, we get burned“. The magistrate also denounced a “total lack of effort to settle their tax debt, the subject of sentence“for tax evasion.”Before the revocation, there were for each many reframings which remained a dead letter“, added Ms. Puechmaille.

The Balkany couple must be summoned fairly quickly by the Evreux prosecutor’s office, which must organize the continuation of their conviction in a penitentiary establishment.

According to the judgment concerning Patrick Balkany, unveiled by AFP, “his vehement attitude and remarks (…) often outrageous or even offensive both towards the staff of the prison administration and the sentence enforcement judge, illustrated his inability to comply with the restrictions (… ) imposed as part of the adjustments to the three-year prison sentence, the severity and even the merits of which he continued to contest“.”In addition to some unjustified alarms, Patrick Balkany has never respected his main particular obligation, namely that of paying the sums due to public finances, despite his very large tax debt.“, according to the judgment.

The reasons for the judgment concerning Isabelle Balkany are similar, according to the judicial source.”There are appointments they did not attend. There are dates they were particularly unpleasant. There were deadlines that were set by the judge to make efforts and all that remained a dead letter“, also specified the judicial source. As for the perimeter to be respected, “the beep kept ringing because each time they were at the perimeter limit“.

At present, Patrick Balkany has not yet been imprisoned.

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