Isabelle Balkany hospitalized in emergency after a suicide attempt




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After the court decision to send them back to prison, Isabelle Balkany attempted suicide and was rushed to hospital on Thursday February 3. Her husband, Patrick, stayed in their home in Giverny in the Eure.

The concern was high Thursday, February 3 at the home of Isabelle Balkany. The latter made a suicide attempt after the court decision to revoke the placement of the Balkany couple under an electronic bracelet. According to her husband, Patrick Balkany, his wife would have swallowed barbiturates. The SAMU was able to intervene quickly and take her to the hospital. There are “a lot of mystery surrounding the health of 74-year-old Isabelle Balkany”reports Carol Cuello, journalist in duplex from Giverny in the Eure.

This is not Isabelle Balkany’s first suicide attempt. In May 2019, during her trial at first instance, she had already tried to end her life. “At the time, she had a very narrow escape from prison, this due to her age, her state of health and the fact that her record was blank”, says the journalist. The lawyer for the wife of Patrick Balkany assures that it is not a question of blackmail with the suicide but rather of a “call for help”.

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