Isabelle Adjani – This breakup that she cannot evoke without crying: “I cannot …”

More than 30 years after their separation, Isabelle Adjani remains marked by her break with the filmmaker Bruno Nuytten. In a new interview with the magazine Vanity Fair France of the month of December 2021, the actress returned to their cinematic and passionate relationship. A romance that not only gave birth to a great film, but above all to a son: the musician Barnabé Nuytten (42 years old).

What if you asked him to him? It’s always up to me to be called for an explanation (…) as if I held the key to this interrupted artistic relationship“, first commented Isabelle Adjani, somewhat stung by these questions about her ex-companion and their”runaway love“. Finally, still alive, the actress said she was unable to”talk about this rupture, this kidnapping, without crying“. The actress had met Bruno Nuytten in 1976, on the set of Barroco, directed by André Téchiné. He was then director of photography. From their romance was born a boy, in 1979, baptized Barnabé.

The two met again on the set of the films The Brontë Sisters and Possession, before actually collaborating on the biopic Camille Claudel, Bruno Nuytten’s first film as a director, released in 1988. Thanks to her interpretation of the sculptor, Isabelle Adjani was nominated for the Oscars and received the César for best actress. But in the shadow of this success, his couple does not hold. “We loved each other passionately, we threw ourselves body and soul into bringing our Camille “, remembers the actress today.”To love us and invest ourselves in this film which had a destiny as magnificent as it was devastating. An unreasonable movie that got the better of us, and who left Camille orphan (…) because our relationship was a child.

I am a loner

Despite this painful romantic and artistic breakup, Isabelle Adjani is full of praise for her ex-boyfriend: “Bruno Nuytten is an artist, he lives in this word, as this word lives in it. With his painter’s eye, he achieves an incredible experimental journey, a discreet work that exhibits still images all borrowed from reality, and of which he specifies, unconscious irony, that none is staged.. “Still very attached to the father of her eldest son, the star of the five Caesar admits that a fear”embraces him“:”That one of us dies, before we can talk about the movies again. “

Following this separation, Isabelle Adjani found love first in the arms of Warren Beatty, then in those of the Irish actor Daniel Day-Lewis, the father of her other son Gabriel-Kane (born in 1995 ). She then shared the life of Jean-Michel Jarre, before it ended badly. Since her break with neurosurgeon Stéphane Delajoux in 2009, the actress has not mentioned any other heart partner … “There is a loneliness in me. I am a loner, she confided to Madame Figaro in 2017. I got used to living alone: ​​where would I install this possible lover today? I’m fine, I feel good in my body, happiness comes to me from within. “

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