Isabelle Adjani deceived by Jean-Michel Jarre with Anne Parillaud: the “proof without appeal” that she found

In 2002, she thought she had met the man of her life when she crossed paths with Jean-Michel Jarre. Handsome manly and charismatic brunette, a little tortured, Isabelle Adjani threw herself body and soul into this relationship which finally left her heart in pieces. After two years of a relationship that she thought was idyllic, the actress of the film Queen Margot had discovered that the one she loved the most in the world had lied to her and cheated on her with another actress: Anne Parillaud. A heartbreak for Isabelle Adjani who thought she had found the ideal man. Interviewed by Paris Matchshe had revealed the underside of their very painful break-up.

I believed it and he cheated on me, I’m leaving him. Our story has lost the beauty of its engagement with its original colors, it doesn’t interest me anymore, that’s why I’m leaving“, she confided, upset by this heartache. Height of horror, the actress had discovered “irrevocable proof“who had it”flabbergasted“In particular that Jean-Michel Jarre had gone on vacation with his mistress when he claimed to be overwhelmed with work.”He couldn’t resist the temptation that sabotages the happiness of two people. He had told me that it was impossible for him to take a single day of vacation with me this summer, whenhe had planned a stay in Sardinia with his future new partner“, she explained. A year later, Jean-Michel Jarre married Anne Parillaud. A news that we imagine to have been a real heartbreak for Isabelle Adjani.

Usually reserved about her private life, the actress explained in 2016 to Paris Match why she felt the need to talk about her breakup with Jean-Michel Jarre. “I had to settle this. I would get sick otherwise. Exposing yourself is never a good way. But I met women who said thank you. It was necessary all the same, given my pride, that it becomes a subject of society and not self-victimization pipolises“, had confided the one who received the César for best actress five times for her roles in Possession, Murderous Summer, Camille Claudel, Queen Margot and Skirt Day.

Deceived in turn by Jean-Michel Jarre, Anne Parillaud had also mentioned the infidelities of the actor to Paris Match in 2011 : “I only got married once, only to realize in the end that everything was probably wrong, that everything had been an illusion.

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