Is Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès still alive? His best friend gives the answer and you will be surprised…

Since 2011… Since this year, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès has disappeared from the radar and remains untraceable despite the fact that he has become the most wanted man in France and that the police are trying by all means to put the grab on him. As a reminder, this ex-commercial is accused of having murdered his entire family and of having buried his wife and four children himself…

But if it is so sought after, is it worth it? Indeed, no one knows if the most wanted man in the country is currently alive. For Guy Hugnet, author of the book The Dupont de Ligonnès affair: The sect and the assassin, the alleged assassin would have been dead for some time as he confided to our colleagues from Gala.

The eternal question

“I’m investigating different cases, like the Omar Raddad case. There, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, it’s out of the ordinary. There are a lot of cavities in the area [à Argens, là où Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès a été vu pour la dernière fois, ndlr] The few that have been excavated have been very cursory. It is possible that he died in a cavity, or elsewhere. Given the profile, we can think that he found a way to end his life with the idea that we would not find him”said the author.

But a few days ago, a relative of Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès gave a completely different version. This is his best friend Bruno de Stabenrath, who also confided in Gala. For the latter, the one who has disappeared since 2011 would still be alive and on the run. “I think he’s alive”, he confides. A way to join the opinion of the sister of the most wanted man in France. Christine indeed ensured, on April 11th on RTLthat his brother was still alive.

See also: Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès dead? The medium Geneviève Delpech claims that he committed suicide


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