is this method of running on an inclined treadmill that has gone viral on TikTok so effective for losing weight?

As summer approaches, videos of shock transformations, slimming advice and weight loss tips are pouring into social networks. For the past few months, a method has literally been buzzing around the world on TikTok, it is the “12-5-30” technique (12-3-30 in the United States) which is practiced on a mat. race.

If this method is very commented on social networks, it is initially because it seduces in a glance, those who do not like to run. Exit the speed, you have to walk (fast all the same) on the carpet. To be exact, you have to incline the treadmill on level 12, on a slope, then set the speed on level 5 to walk quickly and hold on like this… for 30 minutes, hence the name 12-5-30. Carrying out this half-hour workout, five times a week, would then make it possible to work miracles on the silhouette and on the cardio, and therefore to lose weight in a magical and rapid way.

Walking at a speed of 5 km/h on a 12% slope for 30 minutes, a miraculous solution for some… but not necessarily suitable for everyone. To find out if this method is really effective, we asked Julie Jarsalé, expert and coach in Neoness clubs to give us her opinion.

“I have never tested or recommended this method. It seems time-consuming to me. From my point of view, it is more interesting to combine training with weights (more or less heavy depending on the level) and varied and adapted cardio sessions. You will tire less of your sessions and this is one of the keys to holding on over time. Vary your sessions to avoid stagnating and have fun!”. It is true that performing the same exercise every day, over a period of several months, is far from being motivating and can lead to very rapid weariness and therefore further abandonment.

Editor’s recommendation: test this famous method to form your own opinion… but combine it with fun and playful group lessons in order to diversify your action plan. Also, remember that we tend to focus too much on cardio when we want to lose weight, while some weight training exercises are much more conclusive. Among our favorite classes to try out at Neoness, to get real results: “Body Training Cardio”, “Neo Hiit” for cardio and “Body Training Force” and “Body Sculpt” for bodybuilding / fat loss”. Group lessons to be found in all 27 Neoness clubs located in Ile de France where the exercises are varied and where the friendly set is not found anywhere else…

Elizabeth Sall

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