Is there a drift of land rights in Mayotte, as Eric Ciotti asserts?

The situation in Mayotte appears regularly in the discourse of the right and the far right on immigration. The island is indeed experiencing a strong influx of migrants from the neighboring islands of the Comoros archipelago (Grande Comore, Anjouan and
Mohéli) which, unlike her, is not a French department. The finalist of the primary Les Républicains Eric Ciotti denounces in particular the situation of the main maternity hospital in Mahora, at the Mamoudzou University Hospital. “From the Comoros, we come to give birth in Mamoudzou, which has become the first maternity hospital in Europe, simply to benefit from the right to the soil”, he said during the last debate before the vote of the activists The Republicans, Tuesday, November 30. This is partially true, the True from False cell explains why.

First of all, Mamoudzou is not the largest maternity hospital in Europe in terms of births in the European Union. According to INSEE, 6,218 children were born at the Mamoudzou maternity hospital in 2020, out of a total of 9,180 throughout the territory of Mayotte, or nearly 70%. This is a lot, but less than the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin, Ireland: contacted by franceinfo, the management of this maternity unit communicated the figure of 8,316 births in 2020.

Then, it is complicated to say that the large number of births in Mamoudzou stems solely from the arrival of these Comorian mothers wishing for French nationality for their child. Admittedly, still according to INSEE, 68.6% of women who gave birth in Mayotte in 2020 were Comorians. By comparison, the Mahoraises were only 25.8%. But more than half of the children born in Mayotte, 56%, had at least one parent of French nationality, and are thus born French. This is explained by the nationality of the fathers. In 2020, 30.5% of children born in Mayotte had a French father and a foreign mother, 7.6% a French mother and a foreign father, and 18% two French parents.

In addition, still according to INSEE, 48% of the population in Mayotte is of foreign nationality, i.e. 123,000 people (2017 census), and 95% of these foreigners are Comorians.

For Eric Ciotti, faced with this situation, we must suspend the right to soil in Mayotte. “It has already been done and validated by the Constitutional Council, because the situation had become strictly untenable”, answers President Les Républicains du Senate Gérard Larcher, guest of 8:30 am franceinfo on Monday 6 December. Again, this statement is only half correct.

In fact, land rights in Mayotte have not been suspended but limited. For a child born on Mahorais territory to obtain French nationality, at least one of his parents must have resided on French territory regularly and uninterruptedly for more than three months. The measure was adopted in September 218 by the Parliament in favor of an amendment to the Asylum and Immigration law proposed by Senator LREM of Mayotte Thani Mohamed Soilihi.

In addition to this amendment, a bill must be examined by both chambers of parliament in 2022. He will propose to extend this period to one year. Enough to further tighten access to land rights in Mayotte, since to reside on French territory on a regular basis for more than three months, you must obtain an installation visa or long stay visa. It is issued by the consular authorities for studies, work or family reasons.

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