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The Ukrainian army announced on Wednesday May 10 that it had carried out counter-offensives in Bakhmout, even pushing back the Russian forces. But will this effort be significant enough? The point with Maryse Burgot in duplex from Zaporijia (Ukraine).
For the first time in several months, the Ukrainian army went on the offensive, Wednesday, May 10, in Bakhmout. But the vagueness remains on the extent of this counter-offensive and whether it will be effective. According to Maryse Burgot, the Ukrainian army “needs more time. And that it would cause far too many human casualties on the Ukrainian side, if an offensive took place today”she continues.
Blur around the Ukrainian attack
The vagueness reigns around the Ukrainian army. The authorities maintain it on purpose. “They say a bit of everything and their opposite, while recently the Ukrainian Defense Minister said that the army was perfectly ready”, explains Maryse Burgot. There are fights right now, but they serve “to put maximum pressure on the Russians, and force them to be constantly on the lookout”concludes the duplex journalist from Zaporijia (Ukraine).