Video length: 1 min.
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In regions under Russian control, the arrival of new troops is eagerly awaited to fill the ranks. Journalist Luc Lacroix is live from Donetsk, an area controlled by the Russians, to take stock of the situation.
On the front, in eastern Ukraine and especially in the Donbass, the Russian army seems to have regained the advantage after several Ukrainian counter-offensives. But the Russians continue to suffer severe setbacks. “A few days ago in Vouhledar, a column of Russian tanks was pounded by the Ukrainians. And then there are the stories that come to me from the front, of Russian soldiers sent to attack to nibble a few dozen, a few hundred meters and which are sometimes decimated”reports Luc Lacroix, live from Donetsk.
The Russians have not lost ground for several months
“All of this weighs on the morale of the troops, but on the Russian side, there is no question of showing the slightest weakness. The Russians have not lost ground for several months. We do not know when and we do not know where, but here no one doubts that the Russians want to go back on the offensive whatever the cost”, adds the journalist. On the Russian side, as on the Ukrainian side, the losses are heavy, but the governments refuse to communicate the exact figures, an almost taboo subject.