Is the Odessa staircase threatened? | The duty

The monumental staircase of Odessa, or “Potemkin staircase” named after the general who invaded the Ukraine of the Cossacks in 1774 and thus enlarged the empire of Catherine II, the Great Catherine, will it be destroyed by the Russians to erase all traces of history and of a people? Because this staircase recalls that in 1905, the mutiny of the sailors of the battleship Potemkin was avenged by the Tsar’s soldiers who, in retaliation, fired on Odessa residents on the Grand Staircase, according to Eisenstein in his 1925 film Battleship Potemkin. A genocide is to destroy all the roots of a people: works of art, monuments, religious temples, music houses, everything that recalls the past.

Jean Ferrat, in the song Potemkin (1966 version), recalls the mutiny of the sailors so as not to forget.

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