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Three NGOs are tackling nine food giants to fight plastic pollution. According to them, these brands have not applied the mandatory vigilance plan since 2017, the aim of which is to limit the use of plastic as much as possible.
To fight against plastic pollution, we must strike hard. This is the belief of three NGOs who are attacking nine agribusiness giants. They accuse them of not respecting the law. According to them, these nine supermarket, fast food and frozen food brands have not applied the mandatory vigilance plan since 2017 which consists, among other things, in limiting the use of plastic as much as possible. The NGOs therefore put them on notice to drastically deplasticize within three months.
As for the brands, McDonald’s France is defending itself. “We have eliminated and replaced 97% of our single-use plastic packaging. (…) This work (…) has made it possible to avoid the circulation of more than 10,000 tonnes of plastic per year”, says the brand in a press release. If in three months, the manufacturers in question have not reviewed their practices, the nine NGOs intend to take legal action.