Is the famous host of “I will go to sleep with you” still a heart to take?

Over the years, Antoine de Maximy has become a key figure in the field of the small screen. It was especially with his flagship program “I will go to sleep at home” on France 5 that he conquered the crowds. His journeys to the four corners of the world are always rich in twists and turns. But lately, the journalist has not been able to finalize his last issue shot in Côte d’Ivoire. The cause ? As revealed The Parisianthe journalist suffered a nasty fall during a trip: “his right leg slipped and the left got stuck in the roots”. The diagnosis was not long in coming: Antoine de Maximy suffers from a fractured fibula and – to date rest – is required.

Asked about this by our colleagues, the main interested party wanted to be reassuring about this incident: “Before wondering where I was hurting, I had first thought of filming the scene. The guys in the village started putting ointment on me, massaging me and twisting my ankle.” Subsequently, in a local dispensary, a doctor from Europe Assistance hastened to examine him. “I wanted to continue. But I limped badly”, added the injured. “We opted for repatriation. It could have become necrotic or glued askew”.

Once in France, Antoine de Maximy was able to have surgery. “They put screws and a plate in my leg”, he explained to Parisian. “At my age, it’s better that way. I have it for a month, a month and a half. It can go faster. For the moment, I move around on a crutch with a walking boot or on a wheeled office chair at home. I also took the scooter back. That’s not going to hurt my morale.

His recovery will take place out of sight… Surrounded by his loved ones? Antoine de Maximy did not expand on the subject. The star has always been very secretive about her private life. In the city he was married Sandrine Gallo. Together, they have a daughter named Lucie 1994. But in February for Non Stop People, the adventurer has made crisp revelations about his sentimental situation. According to his words, life as a couple has never really fulfilled him.

“I had Madames de Maximy, but freedom comes first”, confided Antoine de Maximy to Jordan De Luxe. “It took me a long time to understand, and honestly it must have been 4 years since I understood”. Adventures, the journalist had quite a few… And some of them marked him quite a bit!

“I want to be single because I’ve been with girls a lot of times who were really good. They were very pretty, they were young, they were intelligent, they were crazy, sometimes too much. But even when I had the pearl, it wasn’t right”, added the globetrotter who constantly reproduces the same pattern. “In a way, I messed up the house because I wanted to be single. But I did not admit it to myself (…). I didn’t want to realize that what I needed was to be totally free (…). “I prefer to go home alone 350 times a year, and not know, the other 15 evenings, with whom I will go back”. It is said !


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