is the climate still the Borne II government’s emergency?

After the redesign, the Ministry of Ecological Transition falls from 5th to 10th place in the protocol order. And the acceleration bill on renewable energies will not pass the National Assembly before September.

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It is a symbolic classification, but which has its importance. The protocol order of the second government of Elisabeth Borne was published on Monday July 4. The Ministry of Ecological Transition tumbles from 5th to 10th place, just ahead of that of Energy Transition, 11th. The climate was however one of the three emergencies set by the Prime Minister after her appointment at the end of May, along with purchasing power and health. After Amélie de Montchalin’s defeat in the legislative elections, Christophe Béchu replaced her in this position. The mayor of Angers, ex-Les Républicains, had been minister in charge of local authorities for a month.

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As for the acceleration bill on renewable energies, its presentation before the National Assembly has been postponed from July to September. The text will therefore not be on the agenda of the extraordinary session of the Assembly at the beginning of this summer. With its 150 articles, it should enable France to catch up in the development of wind and solar power. France is the only country not to have achieved the objectives set by the European Union.

The union of renewable energies (SER) hoped for new measures quickly to facilitate the establishments. “Every month countsemphasizes Xavier Daval, President of the SER Solar Commission. We want the right decisions to be made. And these decisions, once taken, are likely to have effects on the projects and on the industry’s ability to build and deliver kilowatt hours with a time delay.”

Same uncertainty on the consideration of the emergency at Jean-François Juillard, director general of Greenpeace France: “With Emmanuel Macron and his various governments, we are falling behind on France’s climate objectives. So we are not confident.”

The Climate Action Network, which brings together 26 associations, also regrets that the energy sobriety plan only applies from the fall. A “floating” while there is doubt about the ability to provide enough energy next winter.

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