Is the bombing of a shopping center in Kremenchuk a Russian provocation?



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A Russian missile fired at a shopping mall in Kremenchuk, Ukraine on Monday (June 27). Is this a target error or a deliberate act on the part of the Kremlin?

A shopping center in Kremenchuk (Ukraine) was bombarded by a Russian missile on Monday June 27, killing at least 10 people and hospitalizing 20 injured. “Mis-targeting or deliberate provocation? It’s extremely difficult to say”said journalist Agnès Vahramian, special correspondent in Kremenchuk, on Monday. “The inhabitants came here on foot to do their shopping. There were restaurants, clothing stores and even furniture”said the journalist.

“There is indeed a roadworks vehicle factory behind this shopping center, which participated in the war effort in 2014. But the Ukrainian government assures that since February 24, this factory has been closed and that it does not there was no military installation”explained Agnès Vahramian. “We went to this factory and it is intact. It was not hit by the two missiles that destroyed this shopping center”added the journalist. “Here in Kremenchuk we are very far from the front lines. The front lines are more than 500 kilometers away”she said.

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